Principal Desk

Sr. Anita Tirkey
Principal, Prabhat Tara Girls' Senior Secondary +2 School
Dear Teachers/Parents/Students,
Prabhat Tara Girls' Senior Secondary School aims at assisting young people to develop into women who will be intellectually competent, practically skilled, morally sound, psychologically whole animated by the love of God and freedom, committed to lining and working of peace, justice and human togetherness. We Endeavor to contribute to the creation of a human society, free from prejudices, superstitions and discrimination based on sex, reliogion, caste, economis status, proective of the environment and characterised by respect for the Dignity of the human person.
For this we provide multifaceted platforms to the students to discover the hidden potentials and excel in their respective fields be it academcis, sports and extra-curricular pursuit.
I remain grateful to the management for trusting me to take the responsibility to form the young women towards building a just society. I strongly beleive that together with the support of the management, staff and parents we can make a big difference in the hearts of young girls and bring them to the path of great success.